In a word, Keena Ferguson is ‘Amazing’. She’s beauty, grace, and intelligence wrapped together in a compelling package.”
– Dawn Kamoche (Director)
Keena is one of those actresses who captures your attention the minute she fills the screen.” – Nkechi Okoro Carroll ( Writer BONES on FOX)
Keena is one of the most charming, hard working down to earth actresses I know. I’m a fan!” – Ron G (Actor, Director)
Keena Ferguson is an amazing actress with a wide range. Her ability to meticulously work herself into the intricate layers of a character is uncanny. – Paul Hannah (One Truth Media)
KEENA: UNBRANDED The Solo Experience is a voyeur experience into the specific moments that assist in shaping who a person becomes. It is about the labels and brands that are attempted to be put on people when the truth is sometimes you just can’t be branded.
Written by and Starring: Keena Ferguson
Directed by: Tanya Alexander